Just 'Down In The Dumps'

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Hey doll faces!

I hope you're all well and having a great week so far. Well, it is a Thursday so that means its blog post day... YAY! So I've always wanted this blog to have posts relating to positivity and bettering your life in some way etc. But when you're not in the right place to write these kind of posts, they cannot be forced which is something that I don't want to do. I didn't not want to post a blog post this week so I figured that I would write about how I'm feeling at the minute as I'm sure a lot of you have been in the same kind of place that I'm in right now. Maybe me blogging about this could help some of you in some way, who knows. I hope it does. Here goes...

Like when you're having a bad hair day (Except I don't have any hair, haha!), sometimes we can get to a point in our lives where we're a little 'down in the dumps' as I like to call it. Yes, I have felt a bit down for the last couple of weeks. There is reasoning behind this but I feel that I would rather keep this quiet. I know that some people have noticed that I haven't been my usual self recently. I have still been positive and happy in some sense, but obviously I'm not going to be 100% all of the time. Whether that be because I don't feel well or because I'm just genuinely fed up with what I'm having to go through right now.
 Everyone is bound to feel down from time to time, its normal and its definitely nothing to be ashamed of! After all, we are only human and emotions are a part of what we go through from day to day, whether we like that or not.
Even I, the super positive and happy girl that helps people through their own problems, has off days and I think that its important for me to write this post to show you all that I have these same feelings that you do, too. It's not only physically that people struggle with when it comes to cancer. They go through the mental and emotional pain of it too which can be just as hard. Emotions ARE hard to deal with. Trust me, I know. But I just take it one step at a time. One day at a time and if its needed, one hour at a time. I know that I, and anybody reading this can get through these 'down in the dump' days. It's not going to carry on and last forever.
Don't bottle these feelings up. This, I feel, can definitely make everything worse. Surround yourself with the people that you love the most and make you happy. Speak to them about how you're feeling, this could take a hell of a weight off of your shoulders. Reaching out to an understanding loved one could be one of the best things that you could do. It has definitely helped me over the last couple of weeks. Try it.
I get down days just like you guys do.
I know that this is a very different post to my normal blog posts but I hope that in some way that you have enjoyed reading this. Like I said, I didn't want to not post anything this week so I felt like I should let you in a little bit on how I'm currently feeling.
My Twitter username is @_JaydeAllen, please let me know what you think of this post and if you need to speak about anything at all, at any time then just tweet or direct message me!
Also, let me know what kind of things you would like me to write about. This blog is for you!
Until next time my lovelies,
So much love, always!
Jayde x


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