Inspirational Quotes For 2016!

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Hey my lovely readers! 

I hope you're all well and having the best 2016 so far!

We're all going to be wanting to do different things this year, wanting to achieve different personal goals or set out to achieve our different dreams. For this weeks post I wanted to make you all think about YOUR 2016. So in this blog post I'm going to tell you some of MY favourite inspirational quotes that I am aiming to live by in 2016 and put into place. Maybe you could do the same? 

As you guys may know, I absolutely love a good quote! I've been looking at quotes recently so I wanted to share my top 10 favourites with you to take us forward into 2016 and inspire us as much as they possibly can. 

We are all prone to sitting and allowing our minds to carry us away with our own thoughts. Also, when you wake up feeling unwell, uninspired with no motivation to do the things that YOU want to do, live the way that you want too or to be positive, sometimes I have found that taking the time to sit and read through some quotes can be just what you need to change the way that you are, the way that you think or just to make you feel better in yourself about things that you may be going through at the time. 
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