I am back with post number four, YAY!
Again, I would just like to thank you all so much for reading my last blog post which was the second part of my cancer story. I'd also like to thank everybody for continuing to send me so much love. It genuinely makes me so happy to get messages to say that my posts are helping them and that I keep them going, it means so much to me. My whole blog so far has been a bigger success than I EVER thought that it was going to be. For example, this is only post number four and I have had THOUSANDS of views on each post. That is an INSAAANE amount and I cant thank everybody enough for reading each post and for all of your support and well wishes so far. They mean that you can imagine.
For this weeks blog post I'm going to be doing a Q&A (question and answer) so that you can all get to know me more and have all of the questions that you may have, answered! I got SO excited over the idea of this and I couldn't wait to get stuck right into all of the questions that I got sent!
So... Lets get started!
The first question was from @bethanyyjuliexo and her question is, "What is your favourite/most inspirational quote?" Anybody that knows me will know that I absolutely live by quotes. I LOVE them. So I'm going to tell you three of the quotes that I love most right now! (So hard to cut them down to just three, I could be here ALL night)
1. This quote, since the day that I came across it, has always stuck with me. I DO want to inspire people. The thing that makes me the happiest is being able to inspire people and make the lives just that little bit easier. I get messages from many people daily saying that I help them in ways that I couldn't imagine and that honestly gives me goose bumps and makes my heart happy. It is an incredible feeling to know that you make a difference to somebody's life and make the things that they are going through in their lives, just that little bit easier to deal with. I have also had a number of people message me to say that they are currently going through a really tough time but when things have got really hard, they've thought of me and everything that I go through whilst not giving up, which had inspired these people to not give up either. The quote that I'm speaking about and that is one of my favourites is... "I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say 'Because of you, I didn't give up.'"
2. "You have to make the best of what you have. The most important thing that you leave behind is your legacy. Make an impact on those around you and you will not be forgotten, you will live on forever." This quote just speaks for itself with the situation that I'm in with being ill. Being able to inspire and help you all daily from something awful that I've been through/currently going through again, means a hell of a lot to me. I am always trying to make the best of what I have no matter what I'm currently going through. If I can use this situation to potentially help/change other peoples lives and their outlook on life, of course I'm going to do that!
3. This last quote is one that I completely made up myself a couple of weeks ago. In fact, it was the night that I lost all of my hair for the third time. "If you don't even try to have a little self belief, how can you expect it from others? Positive thinking, always." This is self explanatory. I find that when you're positive and try to believe in yourself as much as possible, you're going to be more positive with anything that you do and you're going to look at the things that are happening in your life with a totally different outlook. Whether that may be school or college, a job interview, something going on with family... Anything! Positivity is honestly key. Self belief is SO important, even more important than anybody else believing in you!
Question number two is from @xactorvoice and their question is, "Can you name any film/song that you find uplifting?"
Right now the one song that is giving me such a post is Fight Song - Rachel Platten. The lyrics mean so much to me and speak to me in volumes. The lyrics "This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song... Starting right now I'll be strong, and I don't really care if nobody else believes, cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me." is so ME. Honestly. With what I'm going through with cancer right now it just seems to explain how I feel about it to a T. So for example, the lyric "Take back my life song" means for me that I will take my life back from cancer, it will not rule my life and it most definitely isn't going to be taking my life either. I will beat it for good. I also do have a lot of fight left in me. I'm not giving up anytime soon. I'm going to keep fighting my absolute hardest and I will win this battle then carry on living my life and I cannot wait. I'm so determined.
The next question is from @JLSforeverrxx and her question is "What has been your inspiration to get through your journey?"
Honestly, MY inspiration to beat cancer have been the friends of mine that have unfortunately passed away from cancer. They didn't manage to beat cancer so I am so determined to beat cancer for all of us. I miss them all a terrible amount and I just WISH they were still here to be able to beat cancer for themselves.
I had a tattoo done just above my right hip for one of my best friends who sadly passed away in September 2014. Her name is Courtney. We were in beds opposite each other on the ward whilst we were both in hospital before I had to be transferred into an isolation room for my Stem Cell Transplant. She had not long been diagnosed and I was in total awe of how she dealt with her diagnosis and everything that she was going through. She just took EVERYTHING in her stride and carried on. She was only 15, so the age that I was when I was first diagnosed in 2011. She was an incredible young girl and I miss her so much. The three birds represent myself, Courtney and another one of our best friends, Elle. The "Always" is something that myself and Courtney used to say to each other. For example, "I love you always". Since Courtney's passing, Elle & I have carried on including the "Always" into our messages at every opportunity that we can. I feel like with this tattoo, wherever Courtney is right now, and wherever I am, she's right here with me.
This is my tattoo:

I have actually been asked for a couple of years to start a blog and I've always put it off because I've been too worried or too nervous to just go for it. I was worried about what other peoples opinions would be if I started one, but when I started getting messages last year & this year saying that I should start one because I could actually help people, it really made me think. Like I've previously said, I love helping people so I just went for it in the end and I'm so glad that I did because I LOVE blogging. Peoples opinions honestly don't matter when it comes to being able to help people just through me writing and posting blog posts!
The next question that I got sent was from @OwenFrostie and his question is, "Favourite thing about running a blog?"
Honestly, my favourite thing about running a blog is the fact that with me writing these blog posts like just sharing my cancer story so far, are actually helping people. People message me and tell me that they have found positivity and hope within themselves that they didn't even know was there. They are realising that they are stronger than any of the problems that they are having to face. To know that you're helping people in ways that you didn't even know you could just by writing up a blog post and posting it once a week OR just replying to peoples direct messages when they need somebody to talk to is such an amazing feeling. I cant even describe it.
This question is from @asiyahhussain111 and it is "Who is your celebrity crush?"
My main and biggest celebrity crush has ALWAYS been Justin Bieber since I started supporting him in 2009! Oh my god, isn't he just so beautiful!
Question number seven is from @georgiehowson and her question is, "Who's ya fave 5ft Geordie girl from Newcastle?"
YOU! You're an incredibly special girly! :)
Question number eight is from @_rachaelmcmahon and her question is from, "Who inspires you the most to stay positive?"
My family, friends and the people that tweet me daily. The tweets honestly keep me going SO much and make me SO happy & smiley!
Question number nine is from @_CheekyJordi. This question is "One wish and why?"
For researchers to find a cure for cancer as soon as possible.
Question number ten is from @JakeSimsGirlXx and her question is, "What is your favourite thing about the job that you do with View My Gig?"
My favourite thing about working with View My Gig is the team. Everybody is SO lovely and we all get on so well and we all work so well together. Our gigs are always so chilled & EVERYBODY always loves the way that we do our meet & greets!
The next question is from @WowPlummer and it is "One country you would love to visit and why?"
I would LOVE to visit Bora Bora. Ohhhh my god. The photos that I've looked through are so gorgeous and I would do anything to visit there. I can imagine that going there for a honeymoon or a general holiday as a couple, would be absolutely incredible. I've wanted to visit there for so long, I'll just stick to looking at photos for now, haha!
Question number twelve is from the faaab @mimisquirrel1 and her question is, "How much do you miss the old crew?"
Oh my god, I miss you all so much! We were all so close and especially along with Ollie too. We all need to start speaking again and finally arrange to all see each other at the same time!
NEXT question is from @Amy_Bellxx and Amy's question is "How do you deal with negativity?"
I don't get sent no way near as much negativity as I used too. It used to really get to me and at times I would honestly be so upset & would cry every time I got sent a tweet or anonymous post on the likes of Ask Fm. It really, really got to me and sometimes I would just delete my Twitter account all together so I didn't have to see any of it. In the end I learnt to have a thicker skin and try to ignore it as much as I could. Its such a cliché saying but they do get bored! I'm really, really good friends with Sam Callahan and I got a few tweets sent to me recently and I was genuinely shocked at how vile people can be to one another. They introduced themselves as Sam's friend (Who, lets be realistic, wouldn't be sending me any of this if they were Sam's friend.) They said "I know you and Sam are getting closer and I have to make an appeal to you... Please don't do this. He's told me how sick you are and what the outcome will probably look like. If he falls in love with you, how would it end for him? If I were you, I couldn't do that to him knowing how sick I was. Please think carefully. But I know sometimes it cant be helped." How DARE they? How can anybody send this to somebody? I honestly don't know, I'm blown away. Myself and Sam are close friends. If people can't understand that then just stop focusing on us and move on with your life. But they're basically making me out to be a bad person for being close with him because I'm ill. I can STILL be friends with people, whether I'm bloody ill or not. You don't catch cancer. How dare they try and make out that the outcome with my disease is going to be bad? GAH! As you can tell, these tweets that I received really annoyed me, but I was over it within a few hours and I just brushed it off. They're honesty not worth getting upset over!
This next question is number fourteen and it is from my Georgie! (@georgiehowson). Georgie's question is "What's the biggest thing you've over come?"
The biggest thing that I've overcome is definitely beating cancer twice already. Both times it was so heard to deal with mentally and physically whilst being so so unwell and there were times when we didn't know if I was going to get through it or not. I was SO ill the first time I had cancer as I was on a really intense course of chemotherapy, I also had radiotherapy too. Then the second time, like I've said in my last blog post, I had chemo, my operation, stem cell harvest then my stem cell transplant. None of this was easy at all. So I definitely think the biggest thing I've overcome is beating cancer twice already. I'm also very proud of myself for going straight back to college after the first time that I was ill to do events management. I absolutely loved this course and I came out of it with many distinctions and merits!
This question is from @WowPlummer and her question is "Best act you've seen on tour?"
Jessie J! Absolutely no doubt about it. It was the first time that I had seen her perform and I LOVED it. She is even more incredible in real life than she is when you watch videos. It's just everything about her presence and her performance. Incredible!
The next question is from @calfoz and her question is, "How did you manage to keep positive when you lost your hair? As at your age, girls are quite into their looks, yet you seem to have handled this with such grace. How?"
I knew that when I was diagnosed with cancer, I had to have treatment. With that there are different side effects. Sometimes your hair doesn't necessarily fall out and at first I struggled with the thought of that. This is going to sound awful but once little bits started to come out, I wouldn't brush or wash my hair because I knew that it would fall out if I did. I turned it into a bit of a game with my younger brother and he cut my pony tail off then he brushed the rest of it out. This helped both myself AND my family deal with it better. I got a lovely real-haired wig too! The second time that I was diagnosed I knew that my hair was going to fall out so it was a lot easier. Now, the third time, it started to fall out whilst I was in intensive care last month (September 2015) and it was driving me absolutely insane. It really upset my little brother that I was losing my hair again and he questioned it. As soon as I was discharged from hospital I went home and my brother brushed most of it out for me again. Then, myself and the rest of my family sat together ad my mum shaved the rest of it off! At the end of the day, it's just hair and it's going to grow back, I know that. Everything has to get a little bit worse before it can even start to get better, right?! :)
This question is from @marcmccowan10 and their question is "What's your biggest fear?"
One of my biggest fears is dying on my own with none of my family or friends around me. Another fear of mine is ever having to watch any of my family or friends go through what I have in the past or still have to go through. That would honestly break me completely.
Now, this question is from @TashaMindxx and Tasha's question is "Who/what makes you happy?"
My family, my friends and everybody that supports me and sends me such lovely messages, you all give me such a boost!
I reaaaally like this next question! It is from @lovincheryl and her question is "What make up products/brands do you use?"
Oooo! I use Maybelline's Baby Skin first and it is honestly amazing! I never used to use this but I have been using it for the last few months and it helps with the application of your make up so much. I have noticed such a difference! Then I use my MAC Studio Fix which I loooove. Then comes my MAC Bronzing Powder. Then I fill in my eyebrows with a Rimmel pencil along with my MaxFactor 2000 Calorie mascara for my top lashes and my Rimmel Wonder'Full mascara which has Argon Oil in for my bottom lashes! I also use Maybelline's Eye Studio Gel Eyeliner which is incredible. Then lastly I'll finish my look off with one of my MAC lipsticks which I am honestly obsessed with at the moment!
I'm going to end this Q&A with a question from @MichaelaFFC and her question is "If you could give one piece of advice to anyone going through what you've been through, what would it be?"
One piece of advice that I would give to somebody going through the same thing as me would be that no matter what stage your cancer is at, no matter how your treatment may be going, how dreadfully unwell you feel or even how fed up you are, please try and keep a positive head on. Face every problem that is put in front of you with positivity. Try and be as positive as you can about your illness. I know how difficult it is and how hard it can be at times to even get out of bed in the morning because you're so fed up with what you're going through but I honestly don't think that I would have beaten cancer twice before if I hadn't have been as possible as I was. I made no room for negativity. The phrase "A positive mind is a positive body" is 100% correct in my eyes. Also, keep yourself as busy as possible. Do things that you enjoy and occupy your mind instead of sitting in and just thinking the worst about your illness or what could happen, I know I've done it! It won't help you. When you change the way you look at your illness & life, the more likely it is to treat you better.
Thank you so much for all of the questions that I received! I loved answering them for you all. I couldn't answer every single question otherwise this blog post would be never ending but of course, if you do have any more questions once you've read this post, just send me a tweet or a direct message on Twitter! I am always answering questions on there! My twitter is @_JaydeAllen.
I have now added a new feature to my blog where you can all enter your email address' at the top and you will receive an email whenever I post a blog post! Cool right?! Make sure that you go and do it!
Until next time my lovelies
So much love, always!
Jayde x
Loved this ����
ReplyDeleteKeep fighting x
ReplyDeleteI always see you saying how you want to inspire/help people but i don't think you realise how much you have actually inspired me (and soo many other people!) You've been through more in the last few years than what most people do in a lifetime and you've stayed so positive throughout it all! I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. You're such a beautiful person, inside and out, and i'll be believing in you every step of the way that you're going to beat this for the third time! You are truly amazing - I hope you know that. Keep fighting xo
ReplyDeleteJayde, you're such an inspirational person, I really look up to you. You're always so positive and that's what I love about you. I honestly have no idea how you stay positive through all of this! I have an illness and I find it so hard to stay positive every day, I try to stay positive. Positivity is key. You can do anything if you out your mind to it and keep positive, if your negative you get no where. Stay strong and keep fighting and stay positive and you will get through all of this. Lots of love xxx