My first blog post!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Hey everybody!

So, this is my first blog post! YAY! I am SO EXCITED for this blog and everything to come.

To start this off, for anybody that doesn't actually know me/know of me, my name is Jessica-Jayde! But everybody calls me Jayde. I am 20 years old and right now, I am currently fighting cancer for the third time since 2011.

You may be wondering, WHY is it that I've started a blog? Well, I have been asked and told SO many times that I should start a blog. Many people already support and follow my cancer fight on Twitter/Facebook. That in itself is amazing! But A LOT of people don't know my full story and I get so many messages actually asking to hear the whole thing!
As well as sharing my whole story with you all and updating you with everything that is/will be going on with treatment, I will be helping all of you too!

I have people that follow me on Twitter that have cancer themselves and with this blog I hope to reach as many people as possible that may be going through the same thing. I know how hard it is to deal with having cancer as it is, let alone all of the symptoms and the other things that come with it! I know the daily struggle, the treatment, the pain, the medication and the hospital stays that come with it and so much more. My main aim with this blog is to HELP people. Each cancer patients story is completely different and I will be covering topics that each person could be worried about and all questions that anybody has will be answered in posts too.

I won't just be blogging about cancer though, any other topics that you guys want me to speak about, I will!

This blog is FOR YOU all!

I want to help and inspire people. If I can help just one person through this blog then that will honestly make me incredibly happy and will make everything that I put into this blog, worthwhile!

I've always loved quotes and I live by them. I went completely bald on the evening of 30th September and I spent the rest of the night thinking. I came up with this, "If you don't even try to have a little self belief, how can you expect it from others? Positive thinking, always." It's true! I find that when you're positive, it helps to keep you going. I feel that the only reason that I've beaten cancer twice before is because of how positive I was throughout it all. Of course, I had my down days, they are totally normal. But if you're negative all the time, you're not going to have it in you to carry on or have the right amount of willpower. A positive mind is a positive body. To believe in yourself is SO important.

Positivity is the best medicine, I truly believe that. You wont know unless you give it a try. Go on, you CAN do it.

I'm going to leave it there for this first post before it becomes unbelievably long (which it is already, oops!) But if you're struggling right now with whatever issue that it may be, keep going. Keep plodding along. The issues that you're going through right now won't last forever and it DOES get easier to deal with over time. I never ever believed that it would when I was first diagnosed with cancer at the age of 15, but now I can honestly say that I'm proud of myself for where I've ended up so far.

Until next time my lovelies,
So much love, always!
Jayde x


  1. you are such an inspiration to others, I've read your blog and found so much hope from your words. Knowing that there is someone out there who tells their own version of what cancers is REALLY like is amazing. I found it hard to speak about how I, myself was affected by cancer through my
    family. It's so hard to put into words how it is and reading your story help me, thank you


  2. Thankyou for this blog post you are an huge inspiation for others around you!xx


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