Hey guys!
Firstly, this is going to be a bit of a different blog post today. Normally I write blog posts about things such as my cancer story, positivity and negativity, friendships, fears related to hospitals etc etc. But today, I’m going to write a blog post about somebody that I met in September and an amazing day that I experienced on Christmas Eve. This is an extremely special blog post... Its for Verena, and her daughter Jennie.
Jennie and her Mum, Verena

In September, I was in hospital and I had just been moved to a ward after coming out of Intensive care. I was in a two bed bay part of the ward with an older lady and she introduced herself right away even though she had visitors which I thought was lovely of her. She had her daughter there with her and a couple of her friends. After they had all left, we started speaking about why she was in hospital and her story from her past. We spoke for ages about herself then we spoke about my story too. To sum it up, this incredible ladies name is/was Verena Smith. 7 years ago, Verena was diagnosed with cancer of the Oesophagus. She had surgery to remove her Oesophagus and went into remission soon after. Unfortunately she relapsed this summer and was diagnosed with cancer again, this time it came back in her lungs. She also had blood clots in both lungs so she was on oxygen all of the time.
Whilst myself and Verena were in hospital I had the pleasure of meeting her daughters Jennie and Wendy. I met them both a few times, and kept in contact with Jennie throughout our time in hospital via text so that I could keep her updated on how her mum was as she was often in London rehearsing for an upcoming Musical that she was going to be performing in!